A year of Mode. A thank you from our CEO.

It's been one year since we welcomed our first patients into the world of Mode, and so many things have changed since that first (very rocky) day.

When we started, it was only Dr Matty, Maddison and myself huddled around our kitchen table trying to figure out every technical issue you can encounter while attempting to launch a digital-first healthcare business. From connecting with our patients through video chats - to working out the best way to help patients in every timezone in Australia - to finding out where our patients can access their medication in a judgement-free and helpful way. All while doing our very best to care for patients in a way that we believe can truly help change lives.

Thankfully, the days of that type of chaos are well and truly behind us.

We are now the home of wellbeing and modern care for over 2000+ Australians who we consider part of our Mode family.

Over this past year have worked hard to ensure that our wait times for appointments, patient information and repeat scripts are kept as low as possible, as we don't see having a 6-month waitlist as something to be proud of. Instead, we want to ensure our patients get the answers they need super quickly so they can get back to the things they love - which, let's face it, isn't waiting for an appointment.

Now, this isn't possible without having a team of Doctors and clinic staff who believe in the same mission. We're so happy to have Dr Russ, Dr Alex, Dr Kai, Kate, Zoe, and Maddison help keep the vision Dr Matty and I had all those years ago alive - and honestly, made Mode better than we could have imagined.

So what's next? 

The next 12 months are going to be very exciting for Mode. We're adding more Doc's to the roster, increasing our availabilities, adding psychology and counselling to our services, and finding new streamlined ways for all Mode patients to access their medication from anywhere in the country. 

Plus, there will be a few surprises along the way too...

Thank you to our patients and friends who have been along for the ride this year! Without you, Mode doesn't exist. Every time you've mentioned us to your mates at a BBQ and tagged us in a post online, it has helped break the stigma and helped people make the giant vulnerable leap towards getting help. Thank you.

As always, if you need anything - reach out! 
We're always here to help.

CEO, Mode Healthcare.


5 recipes full of Omega-3 fatty acids.


Adam Del Borrello - Mode Ambassador