Mode Healthcare is a premium medical clinic dedicated to helping Aussies find a new way to feel good by looking at healthcare in a new way. Think of us as your secret weapon to complete wellness!
We are proud-as-punch to be able to help thousands of patients regain control and get back to the things they love, naturally.
This means that we are not a general practice. We do not conduct vaccinations, health checkups or general GP consultations. Please get in touch with us if you are unsure if we can help you.
What to look for in a Doctor.
We believe that having a doctor you can connect with can unlock new outcomes for treatment. Being open and vulnerable with your Doctor is essential for us to truly understand you and your needs - So finding a Doc you're comfortable with is super important.
Here's what we encourage you to ask yourself before booking an appointment with any Doctor.
Does this Doctor specialise in the treatment I’m looking for?
Do they look like someone I can talk openly with?
Do they align with my values?
How long have they been a GP?
Top tip: Head to the Mode Instagram to learn more about our team to see what Doctor aligns with you.
What to look for in a Clinic.
Just like picking a Doctor, choosing the right clinic can be just as scary. We pride ourselves on our patient experience and have worked tirelessly to provide the best experience to our patients across Australia. Unfortunately, not all clinics are the same, so here are our tips on finding the best clinic for you.
How long is the wait time?
Nothing is worse than a waitlist, especially if you're already a patient. We have heard horror stories of patients being unable to see their Doctor for 6 months, leaving patients without medication or medical advice for too long. In our books, that isn't 'care'.
We have an average wait time of 1 day for patients to see a Mode specialist Doctor.
Transparent pricing.
All our fees are clearly listed on our website. We don’t have seasonal sales or surprise you with large bills after a consult. We pride ourselves on having highly trained specialist doctors to ensure your treatment is conducted in the best and most cost-effective way possible. This means you’re speaking to a specialist GP and medical team with decades of experience.
Typically, our patients visit us 3-4 times per year - but of course, you can access appointments as needed too!
How quickly can I talk to someone for help?
Another area to consider is if the clinic is available for quick questions or help when you need it...
At Mode, we have a dedicated team who are available 9-5 AEST and 9-5 AWST via phone, email and even through social media messaging.
Most of our emails, calls and DM's are responded to within 20mins of receiving them.
Is this clinic affiliated with any brands?
It's also important that your Doctor is educated and can access ALL medications and treatments available in Australia to treat your condition.
Mode is an agnostic clinic that prides itself on educating, prescribing and securing only the best medication for your specific treatment and goals.
Plus, we’re proudly Aussie-owned and operated!
Some happy snaps of our wonderful team and clinic.
The Process
The first step is to book an Initial consultation with one of our Doctors via telehealth or in person at our clinic. In this long consultation, your Doctor will review your needs, develop a treatment and medication plan, and apply for any TGA approvals that may be needed for alternative medication treatment in Australia.
Then, if suitable, your doctor will prescribe medication on the spot so treatment can begin right away.
What to expect
Once you have started treatment, your Doctor will work with you to find a balanced approach that minimises the number of appointments you will need per year. Typically, we like to see you again within 6 weeks to adjust dosages and ensure the treatment achieves your goals. At this Follow-Up appointment, your Doctor can adjust any medication and prescribe more medication with repeats.
On Average, we see our patients 3-4 times per year to adjust treatment (if needed) and ensure your goals are met.
$199 for the initial consult and TGA approvals (if needed) and $150 for the subsequent appointments. A Medicare rebate applies for all in person consultations and follow-up Telehealth consultations if you have seen your doctor in-person in the last 12 months. Please ask Mode during your consultation for further details.
Once stable, a reduced $99 script-only consultation is available for existing patients who do not require any medication changes.